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Wind power
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The wind power series temperature sensors are mainly used for real-time data collection and detection of the temperature of wind turbines. Due to the unique operating environment and high maintenance costs, the stability of sensors is highly required. With years of research and production experience in the field of temperature sensors, and based on the environmental characteristics of wind power sensors, we have conducted multiple simulation tests and pioneered the development of temperature sensors for wind turbines in 2005, which have been widely used.
National Service Hotline
Jiangwan Industrial Zone G1, No. 20-9 Huanghai Street, Zhenxing District, Dandong City, Liaoning Province
Dandong Yalujiang Sensitive Components Co., Ltd. Copyright?。iaoICP 05002227-1 | Yalu River Network Support
The wind power series temperature sensors are mainly used for real-time data collection and detection of the temperature of wind turbines. Due to the unique operating environment and high maintenance costs, the stability of sensors is highly required. With years of research and production experience in the field of temperature sensors, and based on the environmental characteristics of wind power sensors, we have conducted multiple simulation tests and pioneered the development of temperature sensors for wind turbines in 2005, which have been widely used.
Service hotline
Dandong Yalujiang Sensitive Components Co., Ltd. Copyright LiaoICP 05002227-1
Yalu River Network Support